Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Alumnus Accepts Position at WestEd

SEPAL MS Alumnus, Dianna Cazarez, has accepted a position at WestEd—an education non-profit. Dianna currently works as a Research Assistant on the Research and Evaluation team in the Science and Engineering division. She is happy to be one of the few Latinas on her team!

Congratulations, Dianna!

Alumnus Accepts Tenure-Track Biology Faculty Position at Sierra College

SEPAL MS Alumnus, Jarred dela Cruz, has been offered and accepted a full-time, tenure-track position as a Biology Professor at Sierra College in Rocklin, CA.

Congratulations, Jarred!

SEPAL Master’s Student Accepts Position at UC Davis

Current SEPAL master’s student, Lucia Hau, has been offered and accepted the position of Undergraduate Advisor within the College of Letters and Science at the University California, Davis…

Congratulations, Lucia!

SEPAL at SABER West 2023

Greetings from Irvine, California!

Many SEPAL people were together in-person at the SABER West Conference 2023 this past weekend at the University of California, Irvine. Those present included current SEPAL graduate students Lucia Hau, Leticia Rivero, and Francisco Sanchez-Vasquez, SEPAL alumni Dax Ovid and Jeff Schinske, and SEPAL-affiliated student and PALS alum Ana Rodriguez Vega.

Additionally, Ana presented her poster on “Considering Identity and Social Justice for Discipline-Based Data Science Education: A Novel Assessment Tool for Biology Graduate Students Learning Data Science at a Minority-Serving Institution.” She conducted this research with Dax through a collaborative project between Professors Kimberly Tanner and Rori Rohlfs. Way to go, Ana!

Alumnus Accepts Position at Monterey Bay Aquarium

SFSU MS Biology Alumnus (2013), SEPAL-affiliated Lecturer, and Biology Undergraduate Specialist, Mika Okimura, has been offered and accepted the position of Senior Education Specialist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium…

Congratulations, Mika!

SEPAL Outing to Cal Academy & SF Botanical Garden

SEPAL recently had its first social outing with the research team (since the pandemic!!!) to the California Academy of Sciences and San Francisco Botanical Garden!

Alumnus Featured in New Podcast on Microaggressions

SEPAL Postdoc Alumnus Colin Harrison, now at Georgia Tech University, is featured in the latest Teaching for Student Success podcast (Ep. 19: Microaggressions: Language Matters with Colin Harrison)!

Tune in here to listen to Colin and check out the 2017 publication which the podcast is based on.

Go Colin!

Alumnus Accepts Position as Obstetrics & Gynecology Nurse

SFSU BS Physiology Alumnus (2014) and SEPAL-affiliated student, Gladys Tumbaga, is an outstanding Obstetrics and Gynecology Nurse at La Maestra Community Health Center in San Diego, California, obtaining this position after completing her BSN, RN, and PHN degrees in nursing… 

Congratulations, Gladys!

Alumnus Promoted to Operations Project Manager at Twist Biosciences

BS Physiology Alumnus (2014) and SEPAL-affiliated SPIKE student leader, Shastyn Galang, was promoted to Operations Project manager at Twist Biosciences where she has been since 2017… 

Congratulations, Shastyn!

Alumnus Completes PhD & Accepts Position at Genetech

SFSU MS Biology Alumnus (2016) and SEPAL-affiliated student, Luis Quintanilla, completed his PhD in Neuroscience at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 2022 (Yay!) and then started a new position at Genentech focused on drug development and biomarker discovery using bioinformatic approaches… 

Congratulations, Luis!