Undergraduate Courses

BIOL 644: LEADS – Learners Engaged in Advocating for Diversity in Science

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; BIOL 230.

Examination of issues involving equity and diversity of scientific teaching with a specific focus on the development of inclusive practices within the upper-division courses in Biology. Students will be involved in developing assessments in their partnerships and either implementing or developing active learning exercises. Seminar, 2 units; Activity, 2 units. [CSL may be available]

BIOL 654: PALS – Peer Assistants for Learning Science

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; BIOL 230.

Intended for Biology majors interested in revisiting and applying their science knowledge, understanding common misconceptions in their discipline, gaining experience in teaching science in the university setting, exploring the field of science teaching as a potential career, and learning science through teaching science. Work with faculty and lecturers who have been trained in scientific teaching and are interested in expanding their capacity for active learning and inclusive teaching practices in their course. Lecture, 2 units; Activity, 2 units. [CSL may be available]

BIOL 230: Introductory Biology for Majors, Part 1

This course is the first in a two-course series intended for SFSU biology majors. Course teaching strategies will engage students as a community of biologists in the classroom, where biology concepts, investigative skills, leadership skills, and language processes integral to biology learning are emphasized.  An overarching goal of the course is for students to gain insight into the nature of scientific inquiry, the process by which knowledge in biology is acquired, and of the strengths and limitations of the process and the evidence obtained.  To this end, students will consider experiments and data that support our current understanding of biological systems and how they function. Students will gain skills in working with peers as they learn to identify their confusions, ask questions, and think critically and skeptically about biology. Students will also have the opportunity to improve their communication skills through numerous writing assignments and in-class activities.

  • Who: Science undergraduates
  • When: Fall/Spring. 5 Units
  • Syllabus: By request

BIOL 310: Biology for Today’s World

This upper division biology course is intended for non-biology students interested in deepening their knowledge of scientific inquiry and biological systems. Course pedagogy engages students as a community of scientists in the classroom, where science concepts, investigative skills, leadership skills, and language processes integral to science learning are emphasized as students design experiments to answer questions, support their findings with evidence, and question one another’s results.

  • Who: All non-biology students.
  • When: Spring. 3 Units
  • Syllabus: By request