
NIH Science Education Partnership Award: The Scientist Spotlight Initiative: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Science through Curriculum Supplements that Bring Science Role Models to Students, funded 2018-23, AWARDED. Authored a 5-year, $1,250,000 grant to integrate the personal and professional stories of life scientists from diverse backgrounds into curriculum supplements aligned with life science content for community college, 4-year university, high school, and middle school instructors (PI Kimberly Tanner, Co-PI Jeffrey Schinske).

NSF IGE: Graduate Opportunities to Learn Data Science (GOLD), 2019-22, AWARDED. Key personnel for a 3-year, $499,597 proposal to develop certificate in data science for the graduate program. (PI Rori Rohlfs, San Francisco State University).

HHMI Inclusive Excellence Award: Expanding Biology FEST – Faculty Empowering Students in Transformation, 2016-21, AWARDED. Authored a 5-year, $996,000 proposal to engage biology faculty in partnerships with our outstanding upper-division biology students of color as in-class peer learning assistants and co- developers of inclusive curricular materials for biology courses. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF EHR CORE Investigating the Influence of Informal Understandings about Biology on Formal Learning of Biological Concepts, 2015-20 AWARDED. Co-authored a multi-year, $1,381,379 proposal to investigate the relations between intuitive reasoning on biological misconceptions among undergraduate students and faculty with varying levels of formal biology education. (PI John Coley, Northeastern University; PI, Kimberly Tanner).

HHMI Undergraduate Science Education Award: Biology FEST – Faculty Explorations in Scientific Teaching, 2012-18, AWARDED. Authored a 4+-year, $1,582,560 proposal to build faculty development programs in scientific teaching to support SFSU faculty in transforming biology courses. More than 85% of biology faculty have participated in ≥100 hours of Biology FEST professional development. The effort is yielding multiple publications, as well as a patent. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF TUES Award: CCB FEST – Community College Faculty Enhancement through Scientific Teaching, 2012-17, AWARDED. Co-authored a 4+-year, $554,828 grant with DeAnza College Biology Instructor and SFSU alumnus Jeff Schinske as a collaborative PI to expand existing CCB FEST Program to promote innovation in biology teaching among SF Bay Area community college biology instructors and pioneer a career pathway in community college biology teaching in the SFSU Department of Biology Master’s program. More than 250 San Francisco Bay Area community college faculty have participated. (Collaborative PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF TUES Award: Investigating Academic Climates and Institutional Contexts for Science Faculty with Education Specialties, 2012-14, AWARDED. Co-authored a 2+-year, $77,054 grant with 4 research colleagues to conduct a nationwide interview study with a randomized, stratified sample of Science Faculty with Education Specialties (SFES), an area in which our collaborative research team has already published four papers. (Key Personnel Kimberly Tanner; PI James Rudd, CSU, LA).

NSF CAREER Award: Investigating University Student Conceptions of Macroscopic Phenomena in Biological Systems and Their Microscopic Mechanisms, funded 2010-17, AWARDED. Authored a 5+-year, $760,000 grant to conduct research that will investigate university biology student conceptions about three specific instances of complex macroscopic biological phenomena – cancer, genetically modified organisms, and learning – and their ability to navigate the microscopic to macroscopic continuum and apply basic biological mechanisms to understanding everyday biological phenomena. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NIH Science Education Partnership Award: Spectrum – Recruiting and Retaining Women of Color in Biomedical Research, funded 2007-14, AWARDED. Authored a 5-year, $1,250,000 grant to increase the interest, recruitment, and retention of women of color in biomedical sciences research through the development of a mentoring community, after-school science clubs for middle/high school girls, an innovative girls’ science curriculum, in collaboration with the Expanding Your Horizons National Network and the Exploratorium (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NIH Science Education Partnership Award ARRA Supplement, 2011-13, AWARDED. Authored a 2-year, $125,349 supplemental proposal for federal stimulus funds that expands multiple components of the existing NIH SEPA-funded Spectrum effort to build pathways to biomedical research careers for girls and women of color. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF CCLI Award: CCB FEST – Community College Faculty Enhancement through Scientific Teaching, May 2009, funded 2009-11, AWARDED. Co-authored a 2-year, $234,490 grant with DeAnza College Biology Instructor and SFSU alumnus Jeff Schinske as a collaborative PI to provide professional development in innovation biology teaching to SF Bay Area community college biology instructors and pioneer a career pathway in community college biology teaching in the SFSU Department of Biology Master’s program. (Collaborative PI Kimberly Tanner).

NIH Science Education Partnership Award ARRA Supplement, funded 2009 – 11, AWARDED. Co-authored a 2-year, $199,797 supplemental proposal for federal stimulus funds that expands multiple components of the existing NIH SEPA-funded Spectrum effort to build pathways to biomedical research careers for girls and women of color. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF Program in Gender Equity Supplemental Award, 2006-07, AWARDED. Authored a 1-year, $58,000 grant to support release time for four co-authors to complete book manuscript under contract at NSTA Press on gender equitable approaches to science teaching (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF Supplemental Award, GK-12 Partnership Award, 2006-09, AWARDED. Authored a three-year supplemental award application for $45,000 to continue funding of SFSU SEPAL GK-12 fellowships at $30,000 per year through the end of the project in 2009. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

NSF GK-12 Partnership Award, March 2003, 2004-09, AWARDED. Co-authored a five-year $1,999,000 renewal grant to sustain and institutionalize science education partnerships in the College of Science and Engineering at SFSU. (PI Kimberly Tanner).

The New Pathway at SFSU, NSF Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Program Award, 2005-07, AWARDED Key personnel on two-year grant for $140,000 to adapt a case study instructional approach in upper division cell and molecular courses at SFSU. My role is specifically to co-mentor a graduate student in science education in developing assessments tools to evaluate the project (PI Leti Marquez-Magaña, 2005-2007).

Establishing a Partnership Laboratory, funded 2001-05, transf. to SFSU, March 2004 a $50,000 Start-Up Grant available through the NSF Postdoctoral Fellows in Science, Math, Engineering, & Technology Education (PFSMETE) Program. PI: Kimberly D. Tanner, SFSU

San Francisco State University SFSU Sabbatical Award, Investigations of the Novice-to-Expert Transition in Undergraduate Biology, Fall 2018, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored 1-semester leave proposal to develop DART: Decibel Analysis for Research in Teaching, an analytical tool that automates categorization of classroom noise to predict teaching practices.

SFSU Sabbatical Award, Investigations of the Novice-to-Expert Transition in Undergraduate Biology, Spring 2010, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored 1-semester leave proposal to support four mini-sabbaticals to collaborate with lead researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and science education to bring new methodological tools to my lab.

Scientific Teaching Workshops: Professional Development Opportunities for CoSE Students, Staff, and Faculty, SFSU Center for Science and Math Education Mini-Grant, Fall 2008, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored $4,355 grant to support design and offering of Teaching Tips To Go Workshop Series.

Science Education Experiences in a Hands-On workshop: For Middle School Students by CoSE Science Students, SFSU Center for Science and Math Education Mini-Grant, Fall 2008, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored $4,970 grant to support partnership with the SF Promise Program to integrate science workshops led by SFSU science undergraduates for middle school students visiting SFSU.

The Impact of Planetarium Instruction Based on a 5-E Conceptual Change Approach to Astronomy Education, SFSU Center for Science and Math Education Mini-Grant, Fall 2008, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored $6,500 grant to support SEPAL graduate student research study.

SCI 652: Science Partners in K-12 Schools, SFSU Center for Science and Math Education Mini-Grant, Fall 2008, funded, PI: Mary Leech, Co-PI Kimberly Tanner. Co-authored $8,300 grant to support development of a new, 4-unit course to engage undergraduates in the physical sciences in learning to teach the science they know to elementary and middle school students.

SFSU Institute for Community and Civic Engagement, Developing SCI 652: Science Education Partners in K-12 Schools, October 2008, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored $4,000 grant proposal to develop and offer a new course, SCI 652: SFSU Science Partners in K-12 Schools, which is an adaptation and expansion of the existing SEPAL course, BIO 652: Science Education Partners in Biology.

SFSU Presidential Leave Award for Probationary Faculty, Developing Methodological Expertise in Conceptual Research, Fall 2008 – Spring 2009, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored 50%-time, 2-semester leave proposal to support four mini-sabbaticals to collaborate with lead researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and science education to bring new methodological tools to my lab.

SFSU Vice President’s Assigned Time Award, Understanding the Long-term Impact of Scientist-Teacher Partnerships on Participating Scientists, Spring 2007, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored one-semester, $5,000 grant to support longitudinal research study on scientists involvement in science education.

Exploring Undergraduate Student Conceptions of Environmental Science: What Role Does Biological Knowledge Play in Environmental Literacy, SFSU Center for Science and Math Education Mini-Grant, Spring 2007, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored $7,000 grant to support SEPAL graduate student research study.

Moving Towards Inquiry in a College Biology Majors Laboratory, SFSU Center for Science and Math Education, Spring 2007, funded, PI: Jamie Chan in collaboration with Amber Johnson, Robert Patterson, and Kimberly Tanner. Authored $6,700 grant to support SEPAL graduate student research study.

College of Science & Engineering Summer Stipend Faculty Development Grant, On Completion of Triad Teaching Stories: Dilemmas and Discussions in Gender Equitable Science Teaching, October 2005, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored grant to provide one-month summer salary to work towards completion of book manuscript under contract through NSTA Press.

Office of Community Service Learning Grant, Learning Biology through Teaching Biology, April 2005, funded, PI: Kimberly Tanner. Authored one-semester, $4,00 grant to support development of Bio 652: Science Education Partners in Biology course.