Congratulation to our HHMI EXROP Awardees!
Congratulations to Donovan Ruiz and Justine Ramos, two SFSU students, have been chosen for the 2017 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program.
Congratulations to Donovan Ruiz and Justine Ramos, two SFSU students, have been chosen for the 2017 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program.
©2025 SEPAL is made possible through funds from the National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Award (NCRRSEPAR25RR024307-01), National Science Foundation GK-12 Grant (DGE0337949), PFSMETE Start-Up Grant (DGE-0136879), SFSU Center for Math and Science Education, SFSU Institute for Civic and Community Engagement and through in-kind support from the SFSU Department of Biology and College of Science and Engineering.